Which Reed Should You Pick?
I am here to help! SprinkleReeds are all handscraped by River Sprinkle. Student reeds are best for the beginner to intermediate player and SprinkleReeds are better suited for your more advanced player. Beginner reeds come in one shape and are made to vibrate with a thicker tip so that they are less likely to break.
First Time Beginner Reed: First 6 months maximum. Comes with a wire.
Student reeds: First 2-3 years
SprinkleReeds: 3+ years of experience

Reed Choices and Descriptions
Original Reeds
A reed made with dark colors and easy response. Made using the RNS Mack+ shape and similar to the older Sara shaped reed. Comes on Red Thread for SprinkleReed and Variegated Thread for the Student option.
Model 2 Reeds
Similar to the older Mack+ hand shaped option, but has better stability for the player who enjoys an easy blowing reed that needs less work to keep the pitch up. Made using the RNS RDG -1N shape. Comes on White Thread for the SprinkleReed and Black Thread for the Student option.
Model 3 Reeds
A very nice compromise to the original and the model 2 reeds made using the RNS Joshua 2+ shape. This reed is very easy to use, with some darker colors and a lower pitch floor than the model 2. Comes on Green Thread for all models. ​

Having Trouble Picking? Here is my Suggestion!
Step 1: Determine what level reed you would like
Step 2: Try that model for 2 months
Step 3: If it works for you, sign up for a longer subscription according to your needs.
*If you are still having trouble, feel free to reach out via our contact form. River or an assistant will reach out to help!